All of us would LIKE to travel to beautiful and unique destinations all over the globe, but we don’t have the time or money. Right? Wrong. Turns out, international travel is pretty doable, even for people with highly limited budgets and very full schedules. It simply has to be a priority, just like going home for Christmas, just like going back to college, just like meeting up with that old friend once a year. Travel, especially travel through places that are very unlike your own home, is an amazing thing. Here are a few ways to make it happen for yourself if you have not done so in the past.
Be Highly Organized and Plan Ahead. Travel can happen – even for career people or people with little kids. You’ve just got to plan ahead and be crazy organized. If you are a career person, let your company know that you’ll be setting off to an uncharted vista, at least a year in advance. In that time, make sure they know you will be able to communicate with them regularly, if necessary, and during which hours. Use NobelCom to keep in touch with colleagues and family. NobelCom calling cards also make great gifts, if you’re trying to help another person realize their travel dreams. In the same way, start shopping around for flights and hotel stays early. The sooner you make these bookings, the more you’ll save.
Become Aware of Deals From Other Travelers. There are plenty of personal finance blogs built around the concept of making travel independence affordable. It’s important to read a lot of accounts about savings strategies, especially from forums and blogs that are written by real travelers. You might learn, for instance, that it’s cheaper to fly to or through Iceland than just about any other nation you could imagine. You might learn that once you get to South America or Central Asia, your local currency immediately stretches ten times as far as it does back home. There are loads of savings tips to learn, and you’ve got to find the people who know.
Be Determined. At the end of the day, making travel happen is something that you decide for yourself. No one will do it for you. No one will book the tickets. No one will communicate with all the people back home, and work out situations where you can take time off from your normal life. If you make this happen for yourself, you’ll be really glad you did. If you think about it, then let it slide, I’m willing to bet you’ll regret it.
International travel doesn’t just happen. In your life, it’s a luxury and a discipline. Truthfully, travel is one of the most healthful things a person can do for themselves. But again, it won’t just happen. Take careful stock of the reasons you create for avoiding travel, and start laying a foundation for travel that works. You’ll enjoy lots of new experiences that you’ve never had before, and in the end you’ll be a better person.