For most of us vacation time is hard to come by. So when we finally get to take a vacation we hope to get the most out of our time and money. The travel industry like any other has its trends, each year certain locations fall in and out of style. A savvy traveler knows you can save money and beat the crowds by picking locations that aren’t trending. Here are some of 2016’s most underrated destinations for you and your family’s next vacation.
Rajasthan, India
Located near both Delhi and Agra (home of the Taj Mahal,) Rajasthan is on many people’s “must-visit” list but surprisingly many people never make it to this historic and beautiful Indian state. When people do make it to Rajasthan, they often don’t venture must further west than Agra. For the adventurous traveler they will find Rajasthan is one of the most exciting places in all of India. Rajsthan is filled with countless cities and preserved castles towering up from the deserts and mountains. The pink city of Jaipur is a great place to start exploring the breathtaking castles of the ancient kingdoms and you won’t want to miss Jaisilmer’s desert fortresses or Udaipur’s lakeside palaces. Rajasthan has a great and affordable tourist infrastructure, delicious dining options, and is not overly crowded (especially during the spring an summer.) These reasons all combine to make Rajasthan one of 2016’s most underrated destinations for savvy tourists.
Central Chile
Most tourists to Chile will head directly south towards Patagonia. Central Chile offers some unique pleasures, which makes it one of South America’s underrated destinations. The capitol city of Santiago is a perfect place to experience Chilean urban culture. Santiago is home to exceptional restaurants, nightlife, and a thriving arts scene. The photogenic beach side town of Valparaíso is one of the best places in South America to watch the waves roll in while dining on some excellent seafood. It is also said to be one of the most artistically inspirational places in the world and was the long time home of famous poet Pablo Neruda.
Few tourists put the icy, massive island of Greenland on their travel radars, as the often opt for beach and sun. This makes Greenland one of the best underrated destinations. If you looking for fresh air and friendly people, Greenland is a perfect vacation destination. Greenland is one of the best places in the world to spot polar bears and marine mammals. It’s breathtaking fjords and uniquely active geological features make it a one of a kind country. While it is notoriously expensive, you can still do Greenland cheap if you plan right.
So whether you are looking for castles rising from desert sands, snow covered glaciers crashing into cold seas, or tipping your toes in the waves of the Pacific; one of these underrated destinations may be a perfect place for your next big holiday. You will come home with some photos that will only make your friends envious but also interested in where your adventures took you. Bon voyage!